Ambarish Ganesh

Book-hoarder, tea-taster, dosa/momo lover, mountain sheep, okayish caricaturist. Also, I pronounce ‘pronouns’ as pronounce.

2017 Man Booker Prize For Fiction Shortlist Announced

2017 Man Booker Prize For Fiction Shortlist Announced

Fiona Mozley wrote a secret novel on her phone while on the commute. Little did she know that her debut work would be one of the six titles shortlisted for the most coveted prize in literature. The 2017 Man Booker Prize For Fiction shortlist includes three American, two British, and one British-Pakistani writer.

4321, by Paul Auster 

The literary equivalent of the film Mr. Nobody4321 is similar in treatment but way different in the narrative. A character takes four simultaneous fictional paths since birth, and this book chronicles all these tales.

Lincoln in the Bardo, by George Sanders

The novel about Abraham Lincoln and the death of his 11-year-old son at the dawn of the Civil War. The story, set over the course of a night when Lincoln visits his son at the cemetery, explores grief, love, death and the powers of good and evil.

History of Wolves, by Emily Fridlund

A coming-of-age tale where a 14-year-old girl seeks belonging and acceptance into a world she believes is perfect for her.

Elmet, by Fiona Mozley

Other than offering a fresh perspective on our contemporary society, Elmet tells a beautiful father-son story in a bold narrative style. The author’s description of the landscape is another high-point of the book.

Autumn, by Ali Smith

The first in the series of quartet seasonals, the book through its many plots explores time and questions our identities and environments.

Exit West, by Mohsin Hamid

Brutal and beautiful, Exit West is a love-story set in the near future, where two refugees in a romantic relationship look to escape their city plagued by war.


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